Bethany is a 21-year-old who found out she was pregnant by surprise.

She did not think she could continue the pregnancy, and was terrified.

Bethany did not see a future with the father of her baby, so there was no way she thought she could bring a baby into the picture.

She turned to the internet for answers about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Bethany called the center seeking information about the abortion pill.

She came in shortly after for an appointment.

During the appointment, Bethany expressed her feelings about her pregnancy.

She shared that she is a Christian, so she was conflicted.

Bethany knew abortion went against her beliefs.

She received counseling, and felt encouraged after her session.

Bethany also had an ultrasound.

She left the center undecided, but followed up two weeks later.

Bethany decided to move forward with the pregnancy!

Praise God for saving this child’s life and this mother from the hurt of abortion.