Bethany is a 30-year-old who found out she was pregnant by surprise.

She emailed one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Chicago after clicking on a Heroic Media ad.

Bethany stated that she wanted to take an abortion pill for her 7-week pregnancy.

A client advocate responded, and encouraged her to come talk about her options.

She agreed, and came in the next day.

Bethany disclosed that she took the Plan B pill, but still found herself pregnant.

She was fearful because of the lack of support from her baby’s father, and she is technically still married to another man, although she has been separated for several years.

Bethany had an ultrasound, but still left that day undecided.

She contacted her client advocate a few days after leaving the hospital, and stated that her husband found out about her pregnancy.

He was angry, and unsupportive. Bethany courageously decided to continue her pregnancy, and continues to stay in touch with our partner.

Praise God for saving this life from abortion!