Beverly is a 24-year-old who got pregnant unintendedly.

She told the father of her baby, and he instantly pressured her to get an abortion.

Beverly does not believe in abortion, but the pressure she felt from her boyfriend drove her to the internet to
search for more information about her options.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in San Antonio,

She came in the next day.

Beverly sat down with a counselor to talk about what she was conflicted with regarding her pregnancy.

She shared that she was considering adoption, but wanted to learn more. Her boyfriend threatened to take the baby if she continued the pregnancy.

Beverly shared that she feared her ability to provide for her baby financially.

She hopes to get a better job soon.

She had an ultrasound after meeting with the counselor, and was happy to see her baby.

Beverly made the courageous decision to continue her pregnancy!

She is open to placing her child for adoption, and the center is working to connect her with local adoption agencies.

Praise God!