Brandi did not know what to do when she saw a positive pregnancy test.

She was shocked and scared.

Brandi did not feel ready to become a parent, and she felt pressured by her grandmother to get an abortion.

Brandi searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that
led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She agreed to come in for an initial pregnancy test confirmation.

At the appointment, Brandi found out she was only about 4 weeks pregnant.

She spoke with a counselor, and leaned toward parenting by the end of the appointment, but was still unsure.

Brandi scheduled an ultrasound appointment to come in a few weeks later.

Before coming in, she called back into the clinic stating that she wanted an abortion.

She shared that her grandmother was pressuring her even more to abort.

Brandi still came in for her ultrasound a week later.

She felt much better after having her ultrasound and talking to the counselor.

Praise God for giving Brandi courage to choose life!