The road of motherhood is often complicated. B

reanna and her husband had experienced several miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies and knew the pain of expecting a child and losing that child.

After years of dealing with miscarriage, Breanna gave birth to two girls who were now toddlers.

Their financial situation was difficult and often unsure and Breanna had just had appendix surgery, leaving her feeling weak and overwhelmed.

Finding out that she was pregnant left her and her husband feeling that the only option they could pursue was an abortion.

When Breanna Googled abortion information she was connected with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Chicago through a Heroic Media ad.

She made an appointment and went with her husband.

The ultrasound screen revealed a viable baby in utero who was almost 8 weeks old.

After exploring Breanna and her husband’s hopes and dreams, the client advocate could see that at the heart of their desire for an abortion was fear.

The pain of miscarriage, losing their children without their control, had left deep scars.

The client advocate helped them sort through those complicated emotions, overcome their fears and hurts, and make the courageous decision to choose life for their child, come what may.

Breanna and her husband chose life for their child and are preparing fearlessly for their new baby!