Briana found out that she was pregnant unexpectedly at age 19.

She is the mother of three young children already.

Briana could not believe she had a positive pregnancy test, and suddenly became overwhelmed.

Briana was set on getting an abortion.

She searched online for information about seeing where she could get the abortion pill.

Briana was connected to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Waco, Texas after discovering a Heroic Media ad.

She called the number on the screen, and spoke with a receptionist.

The receptionist explained the services provided, and Briana agreed to come in for an appointment.

Briana had an ultrasound, revealing that she was much farther along than she thought she was in her pregnancy.

She was over 18-weeks pregnant.

After seeing her baby’s development on the screen, Briana knew she could not go through with having an abortion.

She decided to continue her pregnancy! Briana was grateful for the love and care she received at the clinic.

She shared that she was excited to plan a baby shower.

Praise God for saving this precious child from abortion!