Bridget is a young woman who faced an unexpected pregnancy.

She was scared to see a positive pregnancy test, and did not know what to do.

Bridget initially thought she wanted to keep her baby, and she began attending parenting classes with a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She then told her mother about her pregnancy, who pushed her to get an abortion.

Bridget’s mother searched online for information about abortion for her daughter.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to our same partner.

Bridget’s mother spoke with a peer counselor, and tried to schedule an appointment for her daughter.

She told the counselor she would have her daughter call back to set up an appointment.

Bridget called the center, and told the counselor, “I just can’t keep it. It’s not working out.”

The counselor offered support, and Bridget agreed to come in for her class that same day.

During counseling, she talked with a counselor for hours about her concerns, and she had a second ultrasound.

Bridget decided to keep her baby after all!