Bridget learned that she was pregnant unintendedly, and could not get the thought of abortion out of her mind.

She was afraid, and felt alone. Bridget searched on the internet for information about abortion services in
her area.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Dallas.

Bridget called the number on the screen, and did not share details about her situation over the phone, but requested more information about abortion.

She agreed to come in for an appointment the next day.

Bridget sat down with a peer counselor, and shared that she recently started a job.

She was waiting for her paycheck to come in to help cover rent.

She was overwhelmed with finances, and could not imagine bringing a baby into her world.

She shared that she has strained relationships with her family, but they expressed support for her in her pregnancy.

By the end of her appointment, Bridget felt as if God had spoken to her, telling her to keep her baby.

She was grateful for the support she received from our partner.

Bridget chose life for her child!