Brittany called a Pregnancy Help Center in Cleveland who partners with Heroic Media shortly after searching online for information about getting an abortion.

She is the mother of three young children already, and found herself in trying circumstances.

Brittany was in a domestic violence situation with the father of her baby, so she was terrified.

She spoke with our partner on the phone with terror in her voice, and they assured her they would help support her.

She was thankful, and decided to come in two days later to find out information about abortion, and have
an ultrasound.

Brittany sat down with a peer counselor, and opened up about her relationship with her baby’s father.

She stated that she had been to a doctor for pregnancy confirmation, and the doctor advised an abortion due to
her situation.

Brittany told our partner that she was torn because she was against abortion, but felt that it was the
one choice she had to make.

After hearing about the support groups that our partner offered her, she graciously accepted the help.

Brittany decided to continue her pregnancy!

Praise God for connecting her to a life affirming center, and reassurring her that she is not alone!