Brooke is a young woman who did not foresee a pregnancy ahead of her, but she saw the positive test.

Brooke was terrified because she regretted her relationship with the potential father of her baby.

In her distress, Brooke turned to the internet for answers.

She searched for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media Google ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She set up an appointment, and came in as soon as she could.

Brooke mentioned at her appointment that she did not want to have any more ties with the father of her baby, and she felt that a baby would cause her to be tied to him.

Brooke learned more information about her rights as a mother, and all the risks of abortion.

She felt encouraged after speaking with the peer counselor.

Brooke had an ultrasound, which showed a healthy, 8-week-old baby on the screen.

She changed her mind in that moment.

Brooke said yes to life!

Praise God!