Brynn learned that she was facing an unexpected pregnancy for the first time at age 20.

Her partner is involved in her life, but they are not married.

Brynn told her boyfriend about the pregnancy after she took a test at home, and they both agreed to find out information about abortion.

Brynn turned to her phone, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

She called the number she saw on the screen, and spoke with a receptionist.

The receptionist explained the importance of an ultrasound, and encouraged Brynn to come in for an appointment to learn about her options.

Brynn came in the next day with her boyfriend.

During the appointment, Brynn shared that she did not feel ready to have a baby at the time because she had plans to begin a career.

The counselor listened to her talk through her fears, and offered care and support.

Brynn had an ultrasound, revealing a 16-week-old baby.

After seeing her baby move on the screen, and waving at her, she knew she could not go through with an abortion.

Brynn chose life for her baby!

Praise be to God!