Brynn faced an unexpected pregnancy that took her by surprise.

When she told her boyfriend the news, he pushed her to have an abortion.

Brynn’s boyfriend searched on his phone for information about getting an abortion for his girlfriend, and discovered an ad that connected him to a Pregnancy Help Center in Akron, Ohio, that partners with Heroic Media.

He spoke with a receptionist, and scheduled an appointment for his Brynn to come in a few days later.

Brynn walked through the doors tearful, and alone. She opened up with the staff disclosing that she felt forced from her boyfriend to have an abortion.

The nurse discussed Brynn’s legal rights with her. Brynn was torn about her decision, but she scheduled an ultrasound appointment, and brought her boyfriend with her.

When she and her boyfriend saw their baby on the screen, Brynn immediately started to laugh and cry.

Her boyfriend started smiling as he saw their baby move on the screen.

He stated, “It really changes things, seeing the baby.”

Brynn’s boyfriend walked through the doors wanting his girlfriend to have an abortion, and left saying, “I see it as a human being.”

The couple left choosing life for their precious baby!