Brynn is a 21-year-old who learned that she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She could not believe she was pregnant after seeing two positive pregnancy tests at home, so she went to the doctor to confirm that she was pregnant.

After confirming her pregnancy, Brynn searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Brynn spoke with a staff member on the phone, and agreed to come talk about her options in person.

Brynn met with a client advocate.

She filled out a pro/con list for abortion, adoption, and parenting.

She stated there were no pros for “killing a baby.”

Brynn left her first appointment leaning toward carrying her baby after she talked through her decision, but she was still undecided.

In a follow-up call, Brynn shared that she decided to parent her baby!

She stated that her pregnancy is going well.

Praise God for saving this life from abortion!