Caitlin called into a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media after searching on the internet for information about getting an abortion.

She is a single mother, who is in her mid-30’s.

Caitlin has three of her own children, and the father of her baby has four of his own children.

Caitlin’s partner urged her to get an abortion after finding out about this pregnancy.

Caitlin also did not want to raise another child, though she thought abortion was wrong.

She shad a 4-minute conversation with a receptionist at the Pregnancy Help Center, and agreed to come in the next day.

At the appointment, Caitlin opened up about her situation, and reasons she was considering an abortion.

She wanted to learn more information about the procedures.

The nurse discussed risks and procedures, and performed an ultrasound.

After the ultrasound, Caitlin’s mind slowly began to change.

She left the center that day still unsure about what she wanted to do, but was leaning more toward carrying her baby.

In a follow-up call, Caitlin shared that she would parent her baby, and she was grateful for the support she received.

Praise God!