Caitlyn is a 22-year-old, single woman who faced an unintended pregnancy for the first time.

She was terrified. Caitlyn has been in a relationship with her baby’s father for a while, but unsure if she can trust him.

She told him about the pregnancy, and he wanted her to keep her baby, but she kept thinking about abortion.

Caitlyn searched online for information, and clicked on a Heroic Media Google ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She had several questions because she had never been pregnant.

A staff member suggested that she would come in for an appointment, and she agreed.

Caitlyn met with a counselor, and shared that she has heard mixed advice about her pregnancy.

Her best friend, who had an abortion in the past, encouraged her to keep her baby, but Caitlyn’s grandmother was upset, and wanted her to get an abortion.

Caitlyn was confused and wanted answers.

She had an ultrasound, which showed a healthy 7-week-old baby.

After Caitlyn saw this, she had a change of heart.

She chose life for her baby! Caitlyn is now excited about her pregnancy, and her family is supportive!