Camila is a 24-year-old who faced an unexpected pregnancy.

She felt alone and scared, not knowing where to turn.

Camila is a nursing student, and she feared that becoming a mother would interfere with her plans.

She did not tell aad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She texted the phone number she saw on the screen, and asked a few questions about her pregnancy, then agreed to come in for an appointment.

Camila clicked on a Heroic Media Google on the screen, and asked a few questions about her pregnancy, then agreed to come in for an appointment.

Camila met with a peer counselor, and opened up about her situation.

She said she is unsure if she wants a future with her baby’s father, so she was scared to become a single parent and not have his support.

Camila had an ultrasound, which showed she was around 6 weeks pregnant.

She was excited to see the fetal development pictures, and she could not imagine going through with an abortion now.

Camila chose life for her baby, and left very happy!