Camilla is a 15-year-old homeschool student who found herself facing an unintended pregnancy.

She was afraid and did not know what steps to take moving forward.

When Camilla told her mother the news, she instantly pressured her daughter to get an abortion.

Camilla’s mother decided to search on the internet for information about abortion for her daughter, and clicked on
a Heroic Media ad that connected her to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Oklahoma City.

She called the number she saw on the screen, and spoke with a phone counselor to set up an appointment for her daughter within the next few days.

Camilla met with a counselor, and she expressed that she was scared.

She wanted to learn about all of her options. Camilla’s mother has had multiple abortions, so this familiar situation with her daughter reminded her of her past.

Camilla’s father was not in favor of abortion. After Camilla had her ultrasound, she was touched to see her active 8-week baby on the screen.

She voiced that she did not want to get an abortion.

She left that day not knowing whether or not her mother would continue to pressure her to get an abortion.

Thankfully, her mother’s heart changed, and she became supportive of Camilla’s desire to choose life.

Praise God for sustaining the life of this precious baby!