Candace is a 40-year-old woman who faced an unexpected pregnancy with her boyfriend.
She did not think she would get pregnant because of her age.
Candace has 8 children, ranging from ages 6 to 23.
She had had no other pregnancies resulting in miscarriage or abortion, but the thought of abortion crossed Candace’s mind this time.
She searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to
call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.
Candace spoke on the phone with a receptionist, and agreed to come in to talk about her options.
Candace doubted her ability to “start over” with a new baby as a mother.
She shared that she works full-time at a restaurant, and was concerned about her ability to work if she had her baby.
Candace stated that her boyfriend would support any decision she wanted to make.
Before the ultrasound, Candace thought she was about 7 weeks pregnant. However, the ultrasound revealed an 11-week-old baby.
She was in disbelief at the sight of her baby.
By the end of her session, Candace decided that she wanted to continue her pregnancy.
Praise God for saving this beautiful life from abortion!