Cara is an 18-year-old who found out she was facing an unexpected pregnancy.

She did not think she would ever consider getting an abortion, but she felt she had no other option.

Cara told her sister, and they both became fearful because of their culture.

Cara searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called the number on the screen, and spoke to a receptionist.

Cara agreed to come in for an appointment with her sister the next day.

During the appointment, Cara opened up about her situation.

She stated that she does not want to get an abortion, but that was her plan.

Cara stated, “It’s not the right time. You don’t understand my culture.”

Cara felt better after talking about her options.

She acknowledged that abortion is killing an innocent child.

Cara had an ultrasound, and her reaction was priceless.

She smiled and covered her mouth, wide-eyed, as she heard her baby’s heartbeat.

After, Cara said she could not go through with an abortion, and she will use the ultrasound picture to tell her mother.

Cara’s sister and the father of her baby are very supportive of her decision to parent.

Praise God!