Caroline is a young mother of an 8-month-old daughter.

She faced an unplanned pregnancy shortly after becoming a new mother.

Caroline and her husband did not feel confident in their ability to parent another child at this time.

They felt that finances would be too tight if they considered raising another child so soon.

Caroline and her husband searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion.

Caroline clicked on a Heroic Media ad, which led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She and her husband made an appointment, and came in a few days later.

Caroline and her husband came in to the clinic thinking they wanted to get an abortion, but when they saw their baby on the ultrasound screen, they were taken back.

Caroline and her husband told the counselors they could not go through with an abortion.

They changed their mind and chose life for their baby!

We are thankful to God for sustaining the life of this child.