Carolyn had been with her boyfriend for a short time before she faced an unplanned pregnancy.

When she told her boyfriend, he was angry and pressured her to get an abortion.

Carolyn did not feel right about getting an abortion because of her strong belief in God, but she did not know what to do in the moment.

She searched online for information about getting an abortion and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Carolyn made an appointment to come into the clinic with her boyfriend.

The counselors noticed how her boyfriend was treating her in a negative way, so they spoke with her alone and asked how she felt about the pregnancy.

She told the counselors that she wanted her baby but felt trapped because her boyfriend thought it would “ruin their lives.”

The staff then counseled the couple together, and the nurses performed an ultrasound.

Carolyn’s boyfriend heard the heartbeat and his mindset began to change.

He said, “I always believed that it was a blob or something when it was first conceived, but that is my baby in there!”

We are so thankful this couple was connected to a life-affirming clinic so they would be able to see the reality of life in the womb and choose life for their baby!