Carrie found out she was pregnant unexpectedly with someone who was not her serious boyfriend.

The father of her baby is a college student who lives in another town.

Carrie told him about the news, and he encouraged her to continue the pregnancy.

However, Carrie felt too immature to take on this role. She was afraid that having a baby would get in the way of pursuing her plan to get a Master’s degree.

Carrie searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Sarasota, Florida.

She spoke with a receptionist, and agreed to come in the next day.

Carrie walked through the doors by herself looking for options.

She opened up about her situation, and stated, “I can’t take a baby with me to college.”

Carrie learned about abortion risks and procedures. She began to get emotional.

Carrie shared that she understood what God would want, but she was concerned about her future.

After having an ultrasound and discussing abortion procedures, she said, “No way, I can’t go through that.”

Carrie decided to continue her pregnancy!

Praise Jesus!