Casey found out she was pregnant unintendedly, and became flooded with fear.
She is a 26-year-old single mother of a 7-year-old son.
Casey was afraid to take on the responsibility of raising another child alone.
She did not see a future with the father of her baby, so she felt that abortion might be her best option.
Casey searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Los Angeles.
She scheduled to come in the next day.
During her appointment, Casey disclosed information about her fears.
The counselor listened to her intently as she talked about the struggles of single motherhood.
Casey learned about abortion procedures and risks.
She started to consider adoption, but wanted some time to think about her decision.
After a counselor followed up with Casey, she shared that she decided to continue her pregnancy!
Praise God for connecting Casey to a life-affirming center!