Cassandra faced something at age 19 that she thought she would not ever face at her age: an unexpected pregnancy.

She was scared and overwhelmed when she took a positive pregnancy test.

She almost could not believe it, so she wanted to confirm that she was pregnant.

Cassandra’s thoughts flooded with fear that she could not take on the responsibility of having a baby.

She started to think about getting an abortion, so she turned to the internet and looked for answers.

Cassandra clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to have an initial discussion with a Pregnancy Help Center in Dallas who partners with us.

She spoke on the phone with a counselor, and asked to come in for a pregnancy test and ultrasound.

She scheduled an appointment, and came in the next day.

Cassandra sat down with a counselor to discuss her situation, and learn about abortion procedures and risks.

She thought she was not as far along in her pregnancy when she found out she was pregnant.

Cassandra later found out that she was 20 weeks pregnant after having an ultrasound.

She still left undecided, but in a follow-up appointment, Cassandra decided to continue her pregnancy!

Praise Jesus!