At age 17, Catalina faced an unexpected pregnancy with her boyfriend.

She told her boyfriend and his mother, but she was afraid to tell her mother.

Catalina and her boyfriend could not imagine parenting this child, so he and his mother searched online for information about getting an abortion.

His mother clicked on a Spanish-specific Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She came in the next day with her boyfriend and his mother.

During the appointment, the staff concluded that Catalina is around 17 weeks pregnant.

After counseling, she was confused because she shared that she wants to continue with her pregnancy, but she is pressured by her boyfriend and his mother to have an abortion.

The counselor advised that Catalina should talk to her parents, who do not know she is pregnant.

She said she knows her parents will be upset, but will support her to continue the pregnancy.

Catalina made the courageous decision to parent her baby!

Praise God for saving this life from abortion.