Charlotte was terrified when she found out she was pregnant for the third time.

She did not expect to see a positive pregnancy test.

Charlotte did not take long to turn to her phone for information about getting an abortion.

She felt alone and scared.

Charlotte searched on Google, and clicked on a Heroic Media advertisement.

The ad led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She spoke with a counselor on the phone, and eventually agreed to come in for an appointment.

Charlotte met with a counselor, and shared all of her concerns.

She opened up about two abortions she had in the past.

Charlotte received an ultrasound, showing that she was 5 weeks pregnant.

After talking with counselors, she no longer felt alone in this decision, but comforted.

Charlotte realized she did not want to get a third abortion.

She chose to continue her pregnancy in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Thanks be to God for connecting Charlotte to those who gave her the help she and her baby truly needed.