Charlotte is a 31 year-old woman who is the mother of three children.

She has a history of drug addiction, and found herself pregnant in the midst of it.

Charlotte did not feel like she could have another baby, especially in the vulnerable situation she was in.

When she saw her positive test, Charlotte searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media advertisement that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She asked questions about abortion, and agreed to come in a few days later to learn more about it.

Charlotte met with a counselor and talked about her fears.

She shared that she has “always been a Christian” but did not seem to understand what that meant.

She also shared that she wanted to get into rehab for her drug addiction.

Charlotte had an ultrasound showing that she was about 6 weeks.

She decided that she wanted to carry the baby and wants to get herself in a better place to prepare for this baby!

Praise God for connecting Charlotte to this life-affirming center.