Chloe is a 17 year-old who faced an unplanned pregnancy with her boyfriend.

She was terrified when she saw a positive pregnancy test, and felt like she could not tell anybody about the pregnancy.

Chloe instantly did a Google search for information on getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She filled out the contact form seeking help on abortion.

Chloe and a counselor emailed back and forth, eventually leading her to come in for an appointment.

Chloe met face to face with a counselor to share her concerns.

She feared that her grandparents would hate her if they knew she was pregnant.

Chloe also had an ultrasound during the appointment, and was shocked to discover that she was 22 weeks along.

She knew this would be a tough decision to make.

After talking to counselors and rededicating her life to Christ, Chloe chose life for her baby!

Thanks be to God for saving this precious life from abortion!