Christina is a young, 14 year-old girl who got pregnant with her 17 year-old boyfriend.

After telling her mother about a positive pregnancy test, she initially responded in disbelief.

Her mother searched online for abortion providers.

She came across a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Christina’s mother made an appointment for her daughter to come in the next day.

Christina met with counselors, and shared that her boyfriend would support her decision to carry the baby if she wanted to.

Christina told her mother that she wants to carry the baby to term even though she is fearful.

Her mother decided to support her decision.

Christina allowed the counselor to read her a few Bible verses, and she teared up.

She had an ultrasound, and picked out a blanket for her baby!

Praise God for giving Christina the support she needs, and for saving a life from abortion!