Christina learned that she was pregnant unexpectedly at twenty years old.

This was the first time she faced an unexpected pregnancy.

Christina was overwhelmed, and felt that she could not take on the role of a mother at her age.

She felt alone in her distress, not knowing where to turn.

Christina began to consider abortion.

She turned to the internet, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Christina spoke on the phone with a receptionist, who encouraged her to come in for an appointment.

She came in the next day to talk about her options.

Christina walked through our partner’s doors with her mind set on getting an abortion.

She shared that she felt had no other option besides abortion.

Christina learned about abortion procedures and risks.

She had an ultrasound, revealing her 11-week-old baby. After talking with the staff, Christina started to feel empowered to make a decision for life.

Her boyfriend’s mind also changed, and they will parent their precious baby!

Praise God for sustaining this baby’s life, and this couple from the hurt of abortion!