Christina is a 19-year-old college student who found out she was pregnant unexpectedly, in the most horrific of situations.

She was raped by a man she did not know.

Christina was too scared and embarrassed to report the incident.

A few weeks later, she found out that she might be pregnant.

Christina saw no other option in that moment, but to get an abortion.

She turned to the internet, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Oklahoma City.

Christina texted the number she saw on the screen, and conversed back and forth with a receptionist.

She agreed to come in for an appointment to confirm her pregnancy and talk with someone about her situation.

Christina sat down with a peer counselor to open up about her situation after the nurse confirmed she was 6 weeks pregnant.

She was in tears as she talked about the trauma.

Christina stated that she is a Christian, and stands against abortion, but never thought she would find herself in this situation.

After learning about abortion procedures, and all of her options, Christina decided to courageously carry her
baby to term!

She is considering placing her baby for adoption.

In the midst of these sad, traumatic circumstances, Christina still sees value in her child’s life.

Praise God!