Christine found out she was pregnant unpredictably.

She is engaged to be married in a year, and did not expect to see a positive pregnancy test.

Christine told her fiancé, and they both wanted to find out about their options.

Christine turned to her phone to search for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Christine and her fiancé came in for a pregnancy test and an ultrasound.

During the appointment, Christine opened up about her situation.

She shared that she is starting her first year of college, so she did not want to have a baby during this time.

She lives with her parents, and is afraid to tell them she is pregnant because she does not want to disappoint them.

Christine also stated that she has a relationship with Jesus, so she was conflicted about abortion.

The ultrasound revealed that she was much farther along in her pregnancy – 18 weeks.

She and her fiancé knew in that moment that they needed and wanted to keep their baby.

They chose life!