Corrine is a young woman who faced a third unplanned pregnancy.

She had two abortions in the past, and did not think she could raise a baby on her own.

Corrine searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media advertisement that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called to make an appointment, and came in the following day.

Corrine learned that she was 10 weeks along in her pregnancy, so she agreed to let a staff member show her a model of a 10 week baby in the womb.

Corrine was taken back, and almost in tears when she saw the size and shape of this baby.

She was scared, but knew she could not go through with getting an abortion.

Corrine shared that she lost her father recently, and that she was struggling with depression, but the staff encouraged and supported her in the process.

Corrine decided to choose life for her baby!

We are grateful for this precious miracle!