Crystal sat on the floor of her bedroom and leaned her head back against the wall.

She was feeling every emotion possible.

She felt nervous, ashamed and afraid, while also feeling excited and even a little hopeful… though she also sensed that her excitement and hope were fragile emotions that could easily fracture under the burden of her fear and shame.

This unexpected pregnancy seemed like the most terrifying, and yet the most thrilling, thing that had ever happened to her.

She started searching the internet to see what she should do.

Who could she talk to about this?

Who could help her sort through her emotions to be able to really know, and do, the best thing?

Crystal clicked on a Heroic Media ad at the top of her Google search and connected with our Pregnancy Help Center Partner in New York City.

She sent an email and was able to book an appointment for that same day!

She arrived for her appointment, unsure of what would happen by the time she walked out.

Every option seemed possible.

Crystal shared with her counselor why her emotions were so mixed.

She had been dating a man she loved very much for almost two years.

Recently, they had been having problems and she had turned to her ex for comfort.

Because of this, she did not know who the father of this child was, and this uncertainty made her feel deeply confused.

The counselor shared with Crystal the truth of the life that she was carrying and the reality that the abortion procedure would not be a removal of a difficult circumstance, but the ending of a human person’s young life.

Crystal felt convicted. “Can I see my baby?”

Crystal watched her baby on the ultrasound screen, and the seed of hope and excitement began to grow.

Crystal chose life for her child!

How good God is, and how merciful in every situation!

 Psalm 86:15: “But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.”