Cynthia is a single, 35-year-old who was in the midst of pursuing her Bachelor’s degree when she found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She is the mother of two young children, and could not imagine having a third child at the time.

Cynthia told the father of her baby, and he told her he would support “whatever she decided.”

She decided in that moment that abortion was her best option, so she turned to the internet for answers.

Cynthia called one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners after clicking on a Heroic Media ad.

She scheduled an appointment to come in a few days later.

Cynthia simply needed someone to talk to about her situation.

She walked through the doors fearful and alone. Cynthia shared that she is morally opposed to abortion, but felt she had no other choice.

She learned about abortion procedures and risks, then had an ultrasound.

After hearing her baby’s heartbeat, Cynthia knew what she needed to do.

She was adamant about continuing her pregnancy at 7-weeks!

Praise God!