Daisy found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She is the mother of two children, and had recently been released from jail.

Daisy’s mother and grandmother were caring for her children while she was in jail.

When Daisy told her mother and grandmother about the pregnancy, they insisted that she should think about getting an abortion because of her situation.

Her mother searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Daisy’s mother talked on the phone with a counselor, who encouraged her about the resources they could provide for her daughter.

Daisy’s mother said she would give the information to her daughter.

A week later, Daisy agreed to come in with her grandmother.

Daisy’s grandmother thought they were going to an abortion clinic because Daisy was told if she did not have an abortion, she’d be kicked out of where she was living.

After meeting with the center, Daisy was encouraged by the help she received.

They talked about adoption options, and Daisy was set up to talk with an adoption agency!

She chose life for her child. Praise God!