Danielle was in a tough situation when she found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She could not fathom having to bring a child into this world after all the unfortunate circumstances she was facing with the law and having her other children taken and placed in foster care.

Danielle was scared so she searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Danielle called and agreed to come in a few days later.

She met with counselors to discuss her situation.

Danielle was counseled through different options.

She also received an ultrasound which revealed her baby was 14 weeks old.

Danielle came back for a second ultrasound and more counseling.

She decided that she would continue the pregnancy even if it means she will have to place her child for adoption.

Danielle does not want to give up hope in fighting for her children!

Praise God for her courage in the midst of difficult circumstances.