Danielle is a 27-year-old who is the mother of two sons.

She faced an unexpected pregnancy with a man she did not see herself with long-term.

Danielle was overwhelmed for many reasons when she saw the positive pregnancy test at home.

She immediately turned to the internet, seeking information about getting an abortion.

Danielle clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She spoke on the phone with a receptionist, and agreed to come in for an appointment a few days later.

During the appointment, Danielle shared that she was overwhelmed because she is a single parent, and one of her sons has autism.

She stated that she had an abortion in the past.

Danielle was afraid to have a third child.

The counselor listened to her concerns, and talked about the procedures and risks of abortion.

Danielle left her appointment undecided, but came back a couple weeks later for an ultrasound.

After speaking with her baby’s father, and hearing that he would support her, Danielle chose life for her baby!

Praise God!