Dellia walked through the doors of one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Akron, Ohio after searching on Google for information about getting an abortion.

She was highly sure that she was pregnant, but wanted to confirm before scheduling an abortion appointment.

Dellia clicked on a Heroic Media ad that directed her to initially contact our partner via email.

She stated in the email that she did not want to keep her baby because she was overwhelmed with circumstances in her life.

Dellia set up an appointment, and came in a couple days later.

Dellia had a pregnancy test confirmation, revealing a positive result.

She and her boyfriend were both uncertain about what to do. Dellia shared during the discussion with her client advocate that she is a Christian, and attends church on a regular basis.

The advocate encouraged and challenged her to think about what God was leading her to do.

After her counseling session, Dellia became more open to the idea of parenting.

She scheduled a follow-up appointment for an ultrasound a couple weeks later.

Dellia decided to continue her pregnancy!

Praise God for connecting her to this life-affirming center, and making the courageous decision for life!