Eleanor was terrified after finding out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She told her husband the moment she found out, and he began to pressure her to have an abortion.

They are the parents of two children, and felt overwhelmed when they found out they were pregnant with their third child.

After confirming that she was pregnant at a doctor’s office, Eleanor had more conversations with her husband, and they agreed to find out more information about getting an abortion.

Eleanor turned to her phone to search for abortion-related information, and discovered a Heroic Media ad that connected her to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Houston.

She had a 4-minute conversation, and agreed to come in for an appointment a couple days later.

During the appointment, Eleanor discussed with the peer counselor reasons she was considering an abortion.

She stated that although her mother and other family members are supportive of her pregnancy, her husband was not.

She was afraid to stand up to him about her thoughts on such a serious decision to abort their child.

Eleanor and her husband came back for an ultrasound appointment, and saw their moving baby on the screen.

After counsel and seeing their baby, the reality of life inside Eleanor’s womb caused them to courageously choose life for their child!

Praise God!