Elena is a 30-year-old who is the mother of three children.

She faced an unexpected pregnancy, and did not plan on getting pregnant again.

Elena saw the positive pregnancy test, and was overwhelmed.

She did not think she would every consider abortion, but in this moment, she did.

Elena searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Spanish-specific Heroic Media advertisement.

The ad connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media, and she called the number she saw on the screen.

She agreed to come in for an appointment as soon as possible.

Elena met with a counselor to talk about her fears, and ask questions about abortion.

She learned about the risks and consequences, but still felt like she wanted to go through with the procedure.

She left the center that day not knowing what she would do.

The counselor followed up with Elena, and she agreed to come back in for support.

Elena’s mind began to change, and she was grateful for the support she received.

She chose life for her fourth baby!

Praise God!