Elise is a young woman who faced an unintended pregnancy at the age of 20.

She was afraid to tell anyone about this news, and did not know where to turn.

Elise did not have family support. She was scared and confused, so she turned to her phone for answers.

Elise searched on Google for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She spoke with a receptionist on the phone, and agreed to come in to talk to a counselor.

During the appointment, Elise had a pregnancy confirmation test. Upon seeing the positive test, the counselor asked her how she felt.

Elise shared that she was afraid, but she stated that she is morally opposed to abortion.

She had an ultrasound, which revealed a healthy baby.

In that moment, Elise decided that she could not go through with getting an abortion.

She walked out of the clinic that day choosing life!

Thanks be to God for connecting Elise to a life-affirming center!