Elizabeth is a 38-year-old married woman who found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She and her husband have three sons, aged between five and fifteen.

She and her husband were overwhelmed by the thought of parenting a fourth child.

They had financial difficulties, and lacked insurance and family support.

Elizabeth and her husband saw one way out: an abortion.

Elizabeth turned to the internet to find information, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Chicago.

She spoke with a receptionist on the phone, and decided to come in with her husband for an appointment.

Elizabeth and her husband sat down with a peer counselor, disclosing that they were overwhelmed.

They asked questions about abortion, and learned about the risks and side effects.

Elizabeth received an ultrasound, showing a healthy pregnancy at 6 weeks.

She and her husband knew in that moment they could not go through with an abortion.

They decided to say yes to life!

Praise God for sustaining this beautiful child from abortion!