Elizabeth learned that she was facing a pregnancy by surprise at the age of 20.

She is the mother of a 9-month-old baby with her boyfriend of many years.

Elizabeth was terrified when she found out she was pregnant again.

She is a college student, and had plans to get her degree within the next couple of years.

Elizabeth’s boyfriend left the decision up to her, but was supportive of any decision she would make.

Elizabeth felt abortion was her only viable option, so she turned to her phone for information.

After clicking on a Heroic Media ad, she was connected to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Oklahoma

Elizabeth visited the next day for an initial appointment.

Elizabeth met with a peer counselor, and discussed how she questioned her ability to have a baby so close in age to her other child, especially as she was pursuing college.

Elizabeth had an ultrasound, showing that she was 13 weeks pregnant.

She left her first appointment undecided, but scheduled another appointment, and brought her mother with her.

When Elizabeth had told her mother about her pregnancy, she promised to help Elizabeth and her boyfriend.

Elizabeth felt much better after seeing the support around her.

At 15 weeks pregnant, she chose life for her baby!

Praise God for this miracle!