Ella faced an unexpected pregnancy, and immediately wanted to set up an appointment for an abortion.

She walked into an abortion clinic, but left before getting an abortion due to the negative atmosphere and “how dirty it was.”

She then walked into Planned Parenthood, but they told her she was too far along to abort at their facility.

At 19 weeks pregnant, Ella was still seeking elsewhere for an abortion.

She searched online for information, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Ella agreed to come in to talk about her options.

The peer counselor listened to Ella discuss her situation.

She shared that her boyfriend wanted the baby, but she felt she was too young, and she said she did not want to give up her independence.

Ella learned about the effects of an abortion in the second trimester.

She was glad to know what to expect, but still left the center abortion-minded.

Ella’s counselor followed up with her several times, and Ella stated that she decided to keep her baby!

The counselor asked what changed her mind, and she simply said, “It was just a choice I had to make.”

Ella shared that she felt confident about her decision to parent!