Emily is an 18 year-old who faced an unplanned pregnancy.

She was terrified when she saw the positive pregnancy test.

Emily told her mother, and they found an abortion clinic.

After Emily’s initial appointment, her mother wanted to get a second opinion.

She searched online for answers.

Emily’s mother Googled information about abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She made an appointment for her daughter, and they both came in the next day.

At the appointment, the nurse confirmed that Emily was actually farther along than she thought.

She was 20 weeks pregnant.

Emily had an ultrasound, and spoke about her options with the counselor.

After the ultrasound, Emily said that she could not go through with getting an abortion after seeing her healthy baby on the screen.

Emily chose life for her baby!