Emma is married with two children – she has one boy and one girl.

Her two children have different fathers.

She did not expect to face another pregnancy, but she saw a positive test.

Emma feared the responsibility of taking care of another child.

Her husband, who is also the father of her youngest child, agreed.

In desperation, Emma searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Emma and her husband came in to the center for an appointment the next day.

Emma met with a counselor to talk about her situation.

She shared that her husband is supportive of whatever she decides, and he got a second job with this baby on the way.

Emma learned during the ultrasound that she was farther along than she anticipated.

She said that she was more excited about the pregnancy now.

After the ultrasound, Emma decided she wanted to continue this pregnancy!

She was grateful for the support she received.