Erica is an 18-year-old who learned that she was pregnant unexpectedly after the father of her baby was no longer in her life.
In the midst of facing depression and anxiety, Erica was worried she could not handle a pregnancy.
She searched on her phone for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.
She came in for an appointment the next day.
Erica met with a peer counselor, and was open to receiving information about abortion and parenting resources.
She shared that she felt overwhelmed, and had a big decision to make.
Erica left that day undecided, and a nurse tried to follow up with her, but did not hear from her in almost a month.
Erica called back, and wanted to come in for another ultrasound.
She was torn between adoption and parenting after the second ultrasound.
Erica knew she could not go through with an abortion.
She chose life for her baby!
She is expecting to give birth on April 27, 2018!