At age 27, Evelyn went through a divorce.

In the midst of her divorce, she discovered that she was pregnant unexpectedly with another man.

She is the mother of a 4-year-old daughter with her ex-husband.

Evelyn was overwhelmed because her parents cut her off financially.

She wanted to keep her baby, but her parents pressured her about getting an abortion.

She searched online for information about getting an abortion.

Evelyn clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to text the phone number on the screen that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She came in the next day for an appointment.

Evelyn talked with the counselor about how torn she was concerning her pregnancy.

She shared that she does not want to disappoint her parents, but she is a Christian, so she was struggling with the idea of aborting her baby.

The counselor asked if there is someone else’s approval who matters more than her parents.

She said, “Yes, God’s approval.”

The counselor reminded her that God will not turn His back on her.

Evelyn allowed the counselor to pray with her.

She also had an ultrasound, which showed a 6-week-old baby.

Evelyn knew she wanted to keep her precious child in that moment!