Faith found out she was pregnant when she was in the middle of going through a divorce.

She was scared, because she feared having to do this pregnancy alone.

Faith did not tell her soon to be ex-husband about the pregnancy right away.

She instantly searched online for information about getting an abortion.

Faith came across a Heroic Media Google ad, and was connected to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called the clinic, and agreed to come in for an appointment the next day.

Faith sat down with a peer counselor to talk about her situation.

She stated that she knows about abortion procedures because she almost made the decision to abort her first child.

Her mother knows she is pregnant, and is happy.

Faith shared that she is a believer, and attends a church.

After the ultrasound, she realized she was much farther along at almost 21 weeks.

Faith began to cry at this news.

She asked questions about the baby’s health, and she found out she was having a girl.

She chose life for her baby! Faith accepted sonogram pictures, and wrote her due date down.